Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is a picture of my dad

This is a picture of my dad he looks like a dragon.PS he s'not a dragon at all!he was jist blinking.Now i am going to tell you about my dad because you probably don't know him.

He is a super hero.He can fly in the sky with the birds and he can talk with them too!!He sum times puts on his wounder cape and flys out for a stop at his great friend Jeremy fishers!!He is a awesome. Once when I went over to his house he gave me biscuits.They looked like ginger bread men!

He has super powers like shooting laser beams from his eyes.He also has extreme knot tying skills. One time he tied up the villain with one knot and then made a guard dog with the left over string. The villain couldn't untie him self even with his laser beams!!
My dad has bean to Mars he went yesterday and brought back a rock.He meet aliens and he made a help bring aliens to safety on earth and live in Harmony with people:^)

So now you've heard a little about my dad you should now know that he is a SUPER HERO!

PS:DON'T,I MEAN DON,T believe every thing you hear on the WEB!!!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Aahhhhh a mouse attack!!

This is a picture of me screaming because THERE ARE MICE IN OUR HOUSE!! Yesterday there was a really cute little mouse in boom's cat food. My mum saw it run into the pantry/cupboard then it got frightened by some loud noise and ran under the fridge it stayed there for about five minutes while i was looking at it with the head torch it scampered and scurried about before climbing up the back of the fridge and into the engine!!!Lets hope it does not get stuck and stop the engine that would be bad!!!!

There were lots of other mice in our house especially dead ones and other ones that are more lucky and only get a broken leg :^(           :^.)   hi i have a pretty spot above my mouth HEHEHE!!

bye see you in my next post!!!!!!@#$%^&*()

Saturday, June 19, 2010

he is a pig(NOT just any pig he is a super pig)He loves pork chops(O M G!)He also thinks a lot abut him self.He is one of my wonderful amazing creations!!PS:He is paper mache and COOL!!

he is also a model(no he is not but he thinks he is because he posed for the photo above)OH he loves to dress up and pretend to be people he is not! :)EG:Aliens or president Obama.OH his favourite person to dress up as is:Elvis Presley! BUT sadly he is dead:(

he is also one of those pigs who sits on a shelf and gets admired,he does also get played with.Oh by the way do you happen to have any cow bladder cause if you do PUT IT AWAY!Muddy is allergic to it!!

anyway Muddy wants to say good bye!!!! see you later folks by chaps later baiter alligator
This is my teddy Red Bear. I got him when I was born(actually i got him when i was about 1 to 2 weeks old)

He is my favourite  bear i love him a lot i take him every where. You can also watch his videos on utube type in Red Bear

hey u wanna know where he has been?
He has been to China,New Zealand,Australia,Fiji & Thailand.

He has been to one more place than me.I love him hope you like him to
oh wait he has one more thing to say.

Ummmm hi foxy r you reading because i wanna say hi!!!!

Hey big brown bear(bbb) i really wanna say hi!!!!!

See u later!!!!!   :)  :( 

this is my sister when she was little!

she is really cute. we have lots of fun together.We are twins!
i love her and she loves me.
she has blonde hair.COOL A!
SHE IS PRETTY!A lot of people Know her.Really REALLY!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

1st Blog

Hi i am JEAN! I will write interesting stuff when I think of it.